Because jekyll generates static html, it doesn’t have a native way to
include comments on a website. It’s possible to have comments by using
something like disqus,
but I was looking for something that I can control myself.
So, yesterday, I’ve switched from wordpress to
jekyll for my weblog. But there was also a second
wordpress site running on my domain. I’ve created that website (school assignment) when I was
doing night school. On the one hand I didn’t want to destroy this wordpress
site, but on the other hand I consider it cumbersome to maintain a website
with wordpress that will not change in the future, because a wordpress site
is only “safe” if you keep everything (wordpress, plugins, …) up to date.
I also didn’t want to change the look of this site. I just wanted to convert
this site to static HTML, without changing the look of the site.
I’ve started using wordpress in aug 2011. Wordpress is nice to quickly post
new content. But wordpress is also a complex piece of software that uses
PHP and a mySQL database.
Because I’m doing night-school,
I don’t have that much free time any more. That’s why
my pfSense firewall was still running on
version 2.2.6.
But now it’s school holidays, so let’s upgrade :)