I have created a little YouTube script that downloads all the video’s in certain YouTube channels to the hard-disk. This way I can easily watch the movies with my favourite media-player (mplayer controlled with a remote control) full-screen on my TV.
The script is ugly, but it works. I run it every hour in a cron job.
The script:
pts/4 jan ~/youtube_script$ cat youtube #!/bin/sh LOG=/home/jan/youtube_script/youtube.log/ LIST=/home/jan/youtube_script/youtube.list DOWNLOADDIR=/home/jan/youtube_downloads/ for URL in `cat $LIST` do echo ----[start] echo $URL # change DIR to DOWNLOADDIR cd $DOWNLOADDIR # check URL for VIDEO in `lynx -dump "$URL" | grep watch?v | sed 's# ##g' | cut -d"." -f2-` do echo $VIDEO X=`echo $VIDEO | cut -d "=" -f2-` X=$LOG$X echo $X # Only download video when it was not downloaded before if [ -e $X ] then touch $X echo Already downloaded --skip else touch $X echo Downloading $X timelimit -t 7200 -T 360 clive $VIDEO --format=best fi done echo ----[end] done # CLEAN $LOG find $LOG -mtime +30 -delete pts/4 jan ~/youtube_script$
The channels to check are in the file youtube.list, for example:
pts/4 jan ~/youtube_script$ cat youtube.list http://www.youtube.com/user/jan0wagemakers#p/a http://www.youtube.com/user/RudyWumpscut#p/a pts/4 jan ~/youtube_script$
And this is what it looks like: Movie YouTube Script in action