March 2006 Archives
Sun Mar 26 18:06:53 CEST 2006
Jaakko has released a new version 1.8.1 of picprog, which fix the problems I had with a pic18f4620.
I have created a Debian package for it, which is available at
I have created a Debian package for it, which is available at
Sat Mar 25 13:40:10 CET 2006
picprog & 18f4620
I was not able to use picprog 1.8 to write a HEX-file to a PIC18f4620.
But hey, don't worry, I have found a solution
More info is available here.
But hey, don't worry, I have found a solution

More info is available here.
Sat Mar 25 13:09:03 CET 2006
pic3com can also work with pic18f4520 and pic18f4620 now
It's now possible to use pic3com with a PIC18F4520 or PIC18F4620.
; - remove/add ";" to select the µC ; - verwijder/plaats ";" om de µC te selecteren LIST P=PIC18F452, F=INHX32 #INCLUDE <> ; LIST P=PIC18F4620, F=INHX32 ; #INCLUDE <> ; LIST P=PIC18F4520, F=INHX32 ; #INCLUDE <>
Mon Mar 6 18:46:50 CET 2006
Debian package for picprog 1.8
Yesterday Jaakko has released a new version 1.8 of picprog.
I have created a Debian package for it, which is available at
I have created a Debian package for it, which is available at
Sat Mar 4 12:53:24 CET 2006
picprog & 18f4520
I have added support for PIC18F2xx0/2x21/2xx5/4xx0/4x21/4xx5 to picprog today, but only tested it with a PIC18f4520, which works fine.
Anyway, I have send a mail to Jaakko to tell what I have done:
Anyway, I have send a mail to Jaakko to tell what I have done:
===== Forwarded message from Jan Wagemakers <janw@.......> ===== Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 12:27:30 +0100 From: Jan Wagemakers <janw@........> To: Jaakko Hyvätti <jaakko.hyvatti@.........> Subject: Re: picprog : pic18f4520 support User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.11+cvs20060126 Jan Wagemakers <janw@........> schreef: > Yesterday, I have succesfully written a hex-file to a PIC18f452/. The > changes to picprog are not that big. I'll try to add the ID's for some > other PIC's similar to the PIC18f4520 this weekend. I have added some other pics today, but only tested it with a PIC18F4520, which works without a problem. I have also changed time P10 from 5 µs to 100 µs because that's what I have found in the PIC18F4520's datasheet. I have tested it with a PIC18f452, which doesn't seems to have problems with changing P10. Also, the command to erase the chip is changed on this new PIC's. If you like, I have put my changes online <>. Anyway, you are right, browsing through the various documentations is a time-consuming task-- Met vriendelijke groetjes - Jan Wagemakers - - Debian GNU/Linux testing/unstable - Up : 34 days ===== End forwarded message =====
Thu Mar 2 17:02:06 CET 2006
Porting PIC18f452 to PIC18f4520
Make sure that the extended instruction set is disabled when you try to 'port' a PIC18f452-asm-program to the PIC18f4520.
I had a lot of troubles with a PIC18f452-asm-program that I was porting to a PIC18f4520. It wouldn't run correctly. After disabling the extended instruction set everything works like expected.
You can disable the extended instruction set with the XINST configuration bit :
This is what the PIC18f4520 datasheet says about the extended instruction set,
I had a lot of troubles with a PIC18f452-asm-program that I was porting to a PIC18f4520. It wouldn't run correctly. After disabling the extended instruction set everything works like expected.
You can disable the extended instruction set with the XINST configuration bit :
__CONFIG _CONFIG4L, _XINST_OFF_4L & ........
This is what the PIC18f4520 datasheet says about the extended instruction set,
The mapping of the Access Bank is slightly different when the extended instruction set is enabled (XINST configuration bit = 1). This is discussed in more detail in Section 5.5.3 "Mapping the Access Bank in Indexed Literal Offset Mode".so I think that my troubles are related to this.
Wed Mar 1 17:07:27 CET 2006
picprog & pic18f4520
At the moment I'm hacking at picprog to add support for the pic18f4520. Yesterday I have succesfully written an hex-file to a pic18f4520.
I'll do some clean-up and try to add some other PIC's similar to the pic18f4520, before I send the result to Jaakko.
I'll do some clean-up and try to add some other PIC's similar to the pic18f4520, before I send the result to Jaakko.