July 2010 Archives
Sat Jul 31 10:35:58 CEST 2010
Free SMS notifications with googlecl and google calendar
In MAY 2009 I wrote here about Free SMS notifications with gcalcli and google calendar .
Well, this wasn't working anymore
I can add events with gcalcli to the calendar, but no reminder (SMS) is send.
But I have found a solution
At code.google.com you can download googlecl. New in googlecl 0.9.9 is "Reminders for added calendar events".
So, I have written a new sms script to send free (as in beer, gratis) sms notifications to my mobile phone.
Well, this wasn't working anymore

But I have found a solution

At code.google.com you can download googlecl. New in googlecl 0.9.9 is "Reminders for added calendar events".
So, I have written a new sms script to send free (as in beer, gratis) sms notifications to my mobile phone.
pts/12 jan ~$ cat sms export LANG=C DATE=`date -d "5 min" +%H:%M%p` echo "$DATE $@" google calendar add "$DATE $@" --reminder=4m pts/12 jan ~$ sms "Free as in beer" 10:17AM Free as in beer pts/12 jan ~$