Last update : 2005-06-07
PIC --> How to program a PIC16F877a or PIC18F452?
1. How to program a PIC16F877a or PIC18F452 :
The method is analog as for a
2. Which programmer to use :
Also with a
PIC16F877a or
PIC18F452 you need a programmer to write a program with
picprog to the PIC.
I have made a little adapter-print, so that I can use my
old PIC16F84-programmer
to write a program to a
PIC16F877a or
2.2. The adapter-print.
- Not very beautiful... I know, but it does the job ;-)
- BTW, the ZIF-socket that you can see on this pictures is a gift from Jan Verhoeven
at IWM2003.
3. Tip : --erase :
Try to use the option
--erase with
when writing a
hex-file to the
PIC16F877a or
PIC18F452 doesn't seem to work.